Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Symptoms of Agoraphobia

Symptoms of Agoraphobia
By Arman Hansen

There are many anxiety disorders and we have all probably experienced the symptoms at one time or another. Some say this is what makes us human but when they become disruptive and more frequent, we can't just let it take control of our lives and the best thing to do is find treatment.

Through the years, various drugs and therapies have been introduced and there has been a modicum of success only in some patients. The challenging part is the process. Only through trial and error will you know if it is working or not. That is only after a few months of experience.

If you are diagnosed with this illness and your first reaction is denial, you should get a second opinion before you believe it totally. But if the results are the same, then it is time to get as much information about this subject so you become informed.

This information may already prepare you for the sensations and symptoms usually felt during an attack. The symptoms you may experience when you have an anxiety disorder include apprehension, fatigue, headaches, nausea, muscle tension, rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, abdominal pain and faintness.

While you may not always be able to prevent it from happening, you also need to learn how to calm yourself down. There are techniques that you can use like deep breathing exercises and visualization that are very useful.

From there, you can speak with your doctor about possible preventive measures. Chances are medication will be prescribed so you have to be aware of the side effects and its limitations. The drugs can only provide a short-term solution.

When looking for the right doctor, find out what medications and treatments that he or she have used in the past. It is important that you feel comfortable around this person. If something does not feel right, it is best to find someone else.

Most of the drugs on the market can only be used for a few months because you may become addicted to them. This is why the gradual reduction is done so you do no suffer from the effects of withdrawal symptoms.

The best news about agoraphobia is that they can be overcome. Once you are able to face that fear and surpass it, you will be able to live a normal life again.

If you have agoraphobia or knows someone who does, the best strategy is to take this problem one step at a time. Learn more at

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