Friday, November 28, 2008

how to Overcome Agoraphobia

In my last post I started to talk about the treatment of Agoraphobia and I said we would investigate further the use of therapy as a means of effecting a cure. I also stated that many people with agoraphobia by the very nature of their condition would find it impossible to visit a therapist. The following piece is written by J J seymour a writer with Self Help Recordings.

J J Seymour states that Hypnotherapy and NLP can be very useful Agoraphobia Help - one good source of experienced hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners is Just Be Well. This organization has experienced professionals throughout the UK in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, East Anglia, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Surrey, Sussex and Scotland. You will also find links to related practitioners for treatment for agoraphobia in Vancouver and Toronto, Canada, for Dublin, Ireland, and for Sydney, Melbourne and Perth in Australia. If you are unable to visit a practitioner in person you may well benefit from a good and guaranteed self hypnosis recording such as Stop Fear, by experienced hypnotherapist Duncan McColl.

How to Overcome Agoraphobia and Get Out There EasilyBy

Approximately 5% of the US population needed or sought agoraphobia help at some point in their lives according to research from America's National Institute of Mental Health. What is agoraphobia? In Greek, the word literally means "fear of the marketplace." In reality, sufferers of this common social anxiety fear entering almost any new situation, especially one in which they feel they might lack control or safety. Some agoraphobics fear crowds or places of bustling social activity (such as at a marketplace). Some fear public transportation. Some begin to panic when they find themselves in the middle of large, open spaces. In extreme cases, agoraphobics refuse to leave their homes altogether, preferring to live, work, and socialize without ever leaving their "safety zone."

Fear Of Going Out Restricts Lives

Agoraphobia can be summarized as the "fear of going out." Unfortunately for its sufferers, being able to go out into society, and into unfamiliar situations, is a vital part off living and functioning in the world. True, some sufferers are perfectly content to spend their lives at home. However, most wish that they could participate in the world more than they do. They feel restricted by the panic that overtakes them whenever they go to a new place by themselves. This inability to go to crowded or highly public places can lead to feelings of isolation and depression. These sufferers wish there was a way to stop fear of going out from interfering with the lives they'd like to lead.

Treatments To Stop Fear

There are a number of treatments out there for this frustrating and crippling anxiety disorder. Some sufferers have resorted to pharmaceuticals, including MAO inhibitors and anti-depressants to reduce the incidence of panic attacks--physiological states in which the fear or crowds or opens spaces triggers a "fight or flight" response in the body. Some sufferers of agoraphobia have joined support groups, hoping that being able to talk about their problems to fellow suffers will alleviate them.

NLP And Hypnotherapy Provide Effective Agoraphobia Help

The most effective sources of agoraphobia help are treatments that involve cognitive restructuring. NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and hypnotherapy techniques fall under this category of treatments, and they can yield surprisingly fast and invariably effective results without ever resorting to pills (which can be expensive, difficult to obtain, and can cause unwanted side effects).

NLP techniques teach you to recognize the unconscious, seemingly automatic thought processes that lead to the onset of panic attacks. Gradually, you'll learn to be in control when you enter situations that trigger your condition. NLP and hypnotherapy techniques will re-train your unconscious mind. They will replace irrational, unhelpful thought processes (such as frantically looking for exits, or fearing the onset of panic attacks) with more sensible, helpful ones. NLP and hypnotherapy can provide substantial agoraphobia help after just 2-4 therapy sessions.

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