Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What is Agoraphobia? - A laymans View

A phobia to put it in simple terms, is a fear of something. Agora comes from the Greek language, and refers to a place where people meet, or more specifically a marketplace. From this we see that agoraphobia is the fear of being in crowded or open spaces.

Agoraphobia is often thought of as the fear of being out in the open, but that isn't strictly correct. People suffering from agoraphobia are quite often more fearful of places where they feel crowded or "hemmed in", as my mother described it, where getting away would be difficult.

A person with agoraphobia is usually reluctant to leave their house, this is their safe territory. This supports the belief that it is not simply being outdoors that frightens the people affected by the condition. Situations such as being in a crowded building, a large exposed place, or any unfamiliar territory can be intensely disturbing to someone with agoraphobia. It is mostly associated with being unable to get to a safe location, or the feeling of being exposed and unprotected, being away from their comfort zone. Because of this a return to familiar territory and normality, may often relieve the symptoms of an agoraphobia related panic attack.

The effects of agoraphobia can range from mild feelings of discomfort or anxiety, to intense fear and panic attacks. Agoraphobia is actually diagnosed differently according to whether the patient experiences panic disorders or not. In fact, many different psychological disorders can share symptoms with agoraphobia, such as a social phobia, separation anxiety disorder (usually in children), and depression.

Overcoming or learning to live with Agoraphobia is a long process, but is one that can be achieved or at least made manageable.

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